Author Profile

Simon Edwards

Articles by Simon Edwards

Counties call for action in key election battlegrounds

By Simon Edwards | 28 May 2024

Simon Edwards outlines CCN members' asks of the General Election contenders ahead of polling day ...

Setting out the foundation of a long-term housing plan

By Simon Edwards | 13 March 2024

Over the coming weeks, CCN will outline a host of different reforms, from improving delivery of a...

Staff shocks

By Simon Edwards | 02 February 2024

A new report from the County Councils' Network and PwC lays out some solutions to a complex secto...

A new Government provides the opportunity for long-term reform

By Simon Edwards | 15 January 2024

The SEN system and the broken children’s social care residential market are the main drivers of ...

Resources are needed to keep councils away from the precipice

By Simon Edwards | 27 September 2023

It is becoming more clear a further injection of resources will be needed to stop more councils g...

Children's inspection policy change must be adequately funded

By Simon Edwards | 24 July 2023

A new report setting out the potential consequences of inspection of semi-independent living acco...

The General Election looms larger by the day

By Simon Edwards | 10 May 2023

Simon Edwards says the CCN 'will be doing all we can to ensure counties and their communities are...

Support county highways to boost productivity

By Simon Edwards | 14 March 2023

If we are to create a more equal and prosperous country then the chancellor could do a lot worse ...

Tackling the long-term pandemic of economic inactivity

By Simon Edwards | 08 February 2023

There is a dearth of people to fill job vacancies, says Simon Edwards. 'While national policy wil...

We must begin to shift the Integrated Care Systems' culture sooner rather than later

By Simon Edwards | 21 November 2022

Analysis from CCN and IMPOWER has found that many council leaders feel there is too much focus fr...