Cllr Edwina Hannaford says Cornwall Council will become an exemplar for what regional leadership ...
Friends of the Earth put Wiltshire at the top of the list of most climate-friendly areas in Engla...
With more than 230 local climate emergencies declared nationwide, it’s time for our local and com...
Progress in reducing emissions from heating and transport continues to lag well behind the UK's r...
Nottingham City Council-owned Robin Hood Energy missed a deadline to pay watchdog Ofgem £9.4m.
Heather Jameson talks to Jamie Driscoll, North of Tyne Mayor, about the main challenges facing th...
In shaping an area-based agenda it's important to remember that place is made up of people as wel...
Portsmouth City Council has admitted defeat in its search for a buyer for its energy company.
Solace has been considering how councils should best participate in the market. Eric Bohl reports...
Hiba Mahamadi looks at how the two councils who have stepped in to the energy market have fared s...
We are seeking three experienced and dynamic Commissioning Managers to join our team. Apply for this job
We are seeking a dedicated Partnerships and Better Care Fund (BCF) Manager to join our Commissioning Service. Apply for this job
The Highways service area are looking to recruit to the exciting position of Highways Laboratory Services Manager. Apply for this job
We are seeking three experienced and dynamic Commissioning Managers to join our team. Apply for this job
We are seeking a dedicated Partnerships and Better Care Fund (BCF) Manager to join our Commissioning Service. Apply for this job
The Highways service area are looking to recruit to the exciting position of Highways Laboratory Services Manager. Apply for this job