Tackling the crises from the bottom up

By Paul Shevlin | 08 November 2022

The current cost of living crisis may be a national government issue but there is a lot that dist...


Local leaders can be a port in a storm

By Ben Simcock | 02 November 2022

Between the mini-Budget, energy crisis, near daily policy changes and the cost of living (which h...


Fracking ban reintroduced

By Martin Ford | 26 October 2022

Rishi Sunak has slammed the door shut on the possibility of further fracking by reintroducing the...


Mr Sunak will find it hard to meet the funding squeeze the British state now faces

By Ben Page | 26 October 2022

Ben Page says 'we may now be at a point where we need to change our expectations of public servic...


Councils left in dark on fracking

By Martin Ford | 18 October 2022

Lancashire has called on the Government to clarify how it will measure public support and confirm...


Council temporarily closes county hall over spiralling energy costs

By Laura Sharman | 06 October 2022

Wakefield Council will temporarily close its county hall building in a bid to save on rising ener...


How place has a role in identifying vulnerability

By Ross Mudie | 04 October 2022

Research by Centre for Progressive Policy highlights high vulnerability to the cost of living cri...


Prioritising sustainability the Eastleigh council way

By Sarah KIng | 28 September 2022

Eastleigh BC is investing in sustainable energy and leading on sustainable development at One Hor...


Counties have shown themselves able to step up and deliver

By Simon Edwards | 27 September 2022

The new Government inherits an unenviable in-tray. In navigating and ultimately solving these pro...


Lack of insulation progress to cost billions, says LGA

By Mark Conrad | 26 September 2022

Slow progress in insulating homes will cost the Government at least £4.2bn over the next two year...


Interim Chief Officer

£80,000 - £100,000 per annum dependent on experience

Premium jobWe are seeking an experienced and dynamic Interim Chief Officer to lead Tamar Crossings for a two-year period. Apply for this job

Tamar Crossings

Director of Children & Young People

£120,000 - £130,000

St Helens is a modernising Council which is passionate and ambitious for the children and families we support. Apply for this job

St. Helens Metropolitan Borough Council

Head of Commercial and Contracts

Grade J, SCP48-51 (£58,327 - £61,853) per annum

With a large housing stock of c.28,000, Sandwell Council has a very strong commitment to improving the quality of existing stock Apply for this job

Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council


Interim Chief Officer

£80,000 - £100,000 per annum dependent on experience

Premium jobWe are seeking an experienced and dynamic Interim Chief Officer to lead Tamar Crossings for a two-year period. Apply for this job

Tamar Crossings

Director of Children & Young People

£120,000 - £130,000

St Helens is a modernising Council which is passionate and ambitious for the children and families we support. Apply for this job

St. Helens Metropolitan Borough Council

Head of Commercial and Contracts

Grade J, SCP48-51 (£58,327 - £61,853) per annum

With a large housing stock of c.28,000, Sandwell Council has a very strong commitment to improving the quality of existing stock Apply for this job

Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council