Author Profile

Paul Shevlin

Paul Shevlin

Articles by Paul Shevlin

This moment is bittersweet

By Paul Shevlin | 07 March 2023

In his last District View column for The MJ, Paul Shevlin reflects on what working in local autho...

We need to make homes greener

By Paul Shevlin | 17 January 2023

Renters have little or no control over the energy efficiency of the homes they live in, yet are t...

Tackling the crises from the bottom up

By Paul Shevlin | 08 November 2022

The current cost of living crisis may be a national government issue but there is a lot that dist...

We must have a return to hybrid council meetings

By Paul Shevlin | 20 September 2022

Paul Shevlin says the public interest in virtual meetings is one positive benefit to come out of ...

Every vote counted in North Yorkshire

By Paul Shevlin | 14 June 2022

Paul Shevlin says drawing lots is a rare occurrence and one that put the newly-formed North Yorks...

Shared effort can create beautiful outcomes

By Paul Shevlin | 27 April 2022

In North Yorkshire, communities stand in solidarity with Ukrainians as a symbol of hope that even...

Democracy needs to have value

By Paul Shevlin | 18 January 2022

Many of those who are elected to public office seem to be increasingly remote from the people the...

Taking the lead locally on the climate emergency

By Paul Shevlin | 09 November 2021

A project launched last year provides a significant piece of Craven DC's zero carbon by 2030 jigs...

The art of preventing a brain drain

By Paul Shevlin | 19 September 2021

Paul Shevlin suggests arts and culture have a part to play in attracting young residents to come ...

It will be hard for many to see the value of spending millions on introducing voter ID

By Paul Shevlin | 06 August 2021

The Government wants to introduce a requirement for photo ID. This will be even more difficult to...