How do you fill the NHS black hole?

By Heather Jameson | 03 December 2014

If the next Government continues to cut local government funding and protect ring-fenced health b...


Councils 'were close' to dumping the BCF

By Dan Peters | 02 December 2014

The Local Government Association (LGA) considered walking away from the Better Care Fund (BCF) pr...


Triple threat

By Alex Thomson | 25 November 2014

Local government faces three key challenges in greater commercialism, local growth and health and...


Hunt calls on counties to work with him

By Heather Jameson | 19 November 2014

‘Unless we plan our futures together, we will both fail,’ was the stark message health secretary ...


Care integration could be overtaken by personalisation, says Pearson

By Heather Jameson | 19 November 2014

The Better Care Fund could be overtaken by events, according to the president of the Association ...


NHS England chief plays down outcomes of BCF

By Dan Peters | 18 November 2014

The chief executive of NHS England has warned that the visions championed in the Better Care Fund...


Good form

By Paul Corrigan | 18 November 2014

Paul Corrigan explains why better care is much more important that filling in the BCF plan correc...


Volunteers could boost BCF savings, charity reports

By Jonathan Werran | 17 November 2014

Elderly people returning home from hospital without adequate help are more than twice as likely t...


Whitehall clash over BCF

12 November 2014

A fiery parliamentary showdown between Better Care Fund (BCF) officials and MPs is destined to ta...


Watchdog criticises Better Care Fund planning

By Jamie Hailstone | 11 November 2014

Care bosses have called for better long-term financial planning following a report by the Nationa...


Strategic Safer Communities Manager

£55,979.00, Grade 13, 37 hours, Permanent

We are seeking a Strategic Safer Communities Manager to provide strategic leadership and coordination Apply for this job

Wakefield Council

Head of Housing, Revenues and Customer Services

Salary Package up to £79,448

Premium jobIf you’re a passionate leader with a vision for community support and innovative services, Stratford-on-Avon has an opportunity for you. Apply for this job

Stratford-on-Avon District Council

Virtual School Executive Head

£69,586.00 to £73,173.00, Soulbury SIL 1 23-26

In response to the imminent changes to the statutory duties for Virtual School Heads, the remit for the role has widened. Apply for this job

Wakefield Council


Strategic Safer Communities Manager

£55,979.00, Grade 13, 37 hours, Permanent

We are seeking a Strategic Safer Communities Manager to provide strategic leadership and coordination Apply for this job

Wakefield Council

Head of Housing, Revenues and Customer Services

Salary Package up to £79,448

Premium jobIf you’re a passionate leader with a vision for community support and innovative services, Stratford-on-Avon has an opportunity for you. Apply for this job

Stratford-on-Avon District Council

Virtual School Executive Head

£69,586.00 to £73,173.00, Soulbury SIL 1 23-26

In response to the imminent changes to the statutory duties for Virtual School Heads, the remit for the role has widened. Apply for this job

Wakefield Council