White Van Man on . . . the economy

28 April 2015

I can’t wait for this election to finish so I can find out the real truth about the economy.


Diamond appointment for Birmingham

28 April 2015

Colin Diamond has been made interim executive director of education at Birmingham City Council fo...


Battle lines drawn ahead of election

By Dan Peters | 28 April 2015

Battle lines have been drawn across local government ahead of the last week of campaigning.


Uncosted chaos

By Peter Stuart | 28 April 2015

It may already be too late for this election, writes Peter Stuart, but looking to the future you ...


Race is on for two-speed post-election reforms

By Dan Peters | 28 April 2015

A two-speed process to reform local government finance should be launched after the election, sec...


Our devolution revolution

By Ed Miliband | 28 April 2015

Labour’s plan is for legislation ‘early in the next Parliament’ to create regional powerhouses ac...


Gambling on the electorate

By Paul Wheeler | 28 April 2015

What will be the outcome of this year’s General Election? Whoever wins, the results will have pro...


Southampton creates its legacy

By Dawn Baxendale | 27 April 2015

It’s a city that is building its reputation for economic growth. Dawn Baxendale explains that it ...


Housing must be central to integration debate

By Paul Gamble | 24 April 2015

The quality and accessibility of housing in the UK is a vital - yet often overlooked - element in...


New arrangements for Rotherham MBC agreed

By Jamie Hailstone | 24 April 2015

Details of how the Government-appointed commissioners will oversee Rotherham MBC have now been ag...


Chief Digital and Information Officer

£88,679 to £103,255

Now is a great time to look at joining Reading. Apply for this job

Reading Borough Council

Executive Director, Operations

£97,601 per annum

Ashfield is thriving. We are proud of our district and our ambition is to be ‘great’ across all our services. Apply for this job

Ashfield District Council

Assistant Director Legal, Governance and Coroners (Monitoring Officer)


Rochdale Borough Council is looking for a pioneering, passionate and proud Assistant Director of Legal, Governance and Coroners (Monitoring Officer). Apply for this job

Rochdale BC


Chief Digital and Information Officer

£88,679 to £103,255

Now is a great time to look at joining Reading. Apply for this job

Reading Borough Council

Executive Director, Operations

£97,601 per annum

Ashfield is thriving. We are proud of our district and our ambition is to be ‘great’ across all our services. Apply for this job

Ashfield District Council

Assistant Director Legal, Governance and Coroners (Monitoring Officer)


Rochdale Borough Council is looking for a pioneering, passionate and proud Assistant Director of Legal, Governance and Coroners (Monitoring Officer). Apply for this job

Rochdale BC