At a post-pandemic time where workers of all stages look to rethink their careers, conditions and...
Senior officers and leadership teams find it near impossible to make space away from operational ...
It’s all very well this working from home if you’re a pen pusher or on a nice, tidy wedge, but it...
It’s a candidate’s market, says Gordon McFarlane who argues that local government must also focus...
Exceptional people management is the most effective way to turn round a failing organisation or t...
Edwina Grant shares her experience of supporting young people with autism and learning disabiliti...
Local authority leaders have urged the Government to do more to train staff to work in the regula...
When it comes to equality, diversity and inclusion, it is important for everyone to broaden their...
Chief executives and directors from the UK’s biggest cities debated their challenges and opportun...
Heather Jameson says it was clear from The MJ Future Forum that the sector is facing a massive ag...
Together we’re the moment makers Apply for this job
Together, we’re the moment makers Apply for this job
You will lead and direct the council wide management of transformational workforce changes. Apply for this job
Together we’re the moment makers Apply for this job
Together, we’re the moment makers Apply for this job
You will lead and direct the council wide management of transformational workforce changes. Apply for this job