Local government monitoring officers are increasingly being caught in power struggles between sen...
Changes to an organisation’s management structure are attractive, argues Blair Mcpherson - but n...
A council has been warned that it must invest in digital technology to ease pressure on staff.
Council chiefs have heard of the growing issues of bullying and harassment at the Solace Summit.
Chair of Solace Gavin Jones tells local government to reverse public services’ polarity that sees...
The current deputy chief executive at Mendip DC Donna Nolan is to take on the role of MD at Watfo...
The Department of Health and Social Care is set to launch the second phase of its advertising cam...
A documentary has questioned the tactics of the unions involved in the £548m equal pay claim sett...
Gareth Edmundson has been announced as the new chief executive of Cheltenham BC.
Unison has developed a new health and safety gig economy guide to help employers understand what ...
The Royal Borough of Greenwich is committed to delivering high-quality social care services to our diverse community. Apply for this job
This is an exciting opportunity to join the Change & Improvement Team on a two-year fixed-term contract. Apply for this job
We are about to embark on a major transformation in Hampshire and Isle of Wight with the creation of a Strategic Authority... Apply for this job
The Royal Borough of Greenwich is committed to delivering high-quality social care services to our diverse community. Apply for this job
This is an exciting opportunity to join the Change & Improvement Team on a two-year fixed-term contract. Apply for this job
We are about to embark on a major transformation in Hampshire and Isle of Wight with the creation of a Strategic Authority... Apply for this job