Battle lines drawn over Euro poll

By Tom Bridge | 23 February 2016

Local government is torn over Britain’s place in the European Union (EU) as prime minister David ...


End of devo as we know it?

By Paul Watson | 09 February 2016

Key Cities chair Paul Watson reflects on the latest devolution demands from MPs and explains why...


Time for a new strategy

By Alexandra Jones | 03 December 2015

The Spending Review highlights the importance of a significant ‘re-design’ of the local governmen...


Rewarding a brighter future

By Paul Watson | 30 October 2015

This is one of the most exciting times for local government in over 30 years, according to Key Ci...


Council group makes bid for CA 'evolution'

By Dan Peters | 14 October 2015

A group of councils is calling for changes to the law as the Cities and Local Government Devoluti...


Smaller cities passed-over in devo deals

By Sam Clayden | 07 October 2015

Devolution of powers to smaller, faster-growing cities is being overlooked in favour of larger, p...


Devolution in the 'new politics' era

By Simon Parker | 06 October 2015

Devolution is an assault on local democracy, or so we were told last week by Labour’s new communi...


Rogers: Unite to produce one offer to Osborne

By Dan Peters | 12 August 2015

Local government should seize control of the devolution agenda by cooperating to deliver a single...


Let's stick together

By Jonathan House | 17 July 2015

As the Cities and Local Government Bill makes its way through the houses of parliament, local aut...


Forging a new pathway

By Cllr Paul Watson | 17 June 2015

Cllr Paul Watson comments on why devolution will only work if local authorities have the resource...


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