Whitehall challenged over 'unlawful' pensions scheme

By Dan Peters | 01 March 2016

A judicial review could be launched against Whitehall plans to encourage Local Government Pension...


Labour's last-ditch Education Bill pleas ignored

By Dan Peters | 25 February 2016

Labour has called on the Government to end its ‘ideological obsession’ with academisation as the ...


Local authorities told to 'grow up'

By Jamie Hailstone | 16 February 2016

The Welsh public services minister has told councils to ‘grow up’ as they deliver their verdict o...


Unitary option mooted in push for devo deals

By Heather Jameson | 16 February 2016

County areas that refuse to accept a directly elected mayor could still get a full devolution dea...


Sector urged to 'grab chance to lead EU debate'

By Michael Burton | 16 February 2016

Ex-local government minister Bob Neill has urged the sector to ‘grab with both hands’ the opportu...


Refugee distribution could be 'enforced' by law

By Sam Clayden | 10 February 2016

Arrangements for distributing asylum seekers could be enshrined in law, the refugees minister has...


Next rates revaluation 'most contentious yet'

By Michael Burton | 04 February 2016

The next revaluation of business rates on which local authority income will increasingly depend w...


Electoral burden on sector could be reduced

By Dan Peters | 04 February 2016

The burden on local government of running electoral services will be reduced under proposals to r...


'Too few details' in rush to complete Housing Bill

By Sam Clayden | 03 February 2016

Lords and council leaders have slated the Government for driving through the Housing and Planning...


Welsh devolution branded as 'short-sighted and clunky'

By Jamie Hailstone | 03 February 2016

Academics have dismissed Whitehall plans to devolve more powers to Wales as ‘clunky, inequitable ...


Head of Parking Services


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Head of Highways and Traffic Services


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Highways Service Manager

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Head of Parking Services


Premium jobThis is a key leadership role shaping the services in this arena ensuring Croydon is fit for the future. Apply for this job

Croydon Council

Head of Highways and Traffic Services


Premium jobThis is a key leadership role shaping the services in this arena ensuring Croydon is fit for the future. Apply for this job

Croydon Council

Highways Service Manager

£50,512 - £53,701

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North Northamptonshire Council