The centre will always hold

By John Stewart | 25 October 2011

Anyone expecting a new ‘golden age’ of local government should remember the Government knows of n...


Shadowy figures

By John Stewart | 08 June 2011

Government plans to impose mayoral referendums have not been thought out properly, say George Jon...


Missing the big picture

By John Stewart | 20 May 2011

George Jones and John Stewart find the latest review of council finance is too narrowly focused.


Qualified votes challenge local democracy

By John Stewart | 12 April 2011

MPs should take a closer look at legislation which will hand powers to elected mayors and unelect...


Why the commission lost its way

By John Stewart | 05 April 2011

Following David Walker’s article last week, George Jones and John Stewart argue that the Audit Co...


So much for the Centralism Bill's aims

By John Stewart | 21 January 2011

Despite its name, centralism reigns in the Localism Bill, with ministers believing local authorit...


Local government's constitutional right

By John Stewart | 22 August 2007

Gordon Brown's plans to consider the constitution include councils, but they should be seen as mo...


Making friends and influencing people

By John Stewart | 10 January 2007

No-one has explained why it was essential to issue the White Paper on local government in October.


Will they learn to listen?

By John Stewart | 08 November 2006

George Jones and John Stewart welcome the Local Government White paper


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