Private sector involvement 'eroding public sector ethos'

By Jamie Hailstone | 01 November 2016

Local government workers believe private sector involvement in delivering services has weakened a...


Report: Further failure inevitable

By Sam Clayden | 26 July 2016

An overhaul of the Government’s ‘superficial’ approach to tackling failure in public services is ...


Put health 'front and centre of devolution'

By Jamie Hailstone | 22 July 2016

A leading think tank has called for health budgets to be devolved and councils to be given the po...


Taking back control, but at what price?

By Jack Airey | 29 June 2016

Will councils be heard in Brexit negotiations? What next for devolution? And how will local budge...


NAO leader heads to the Cayman Islands

21 June 2016

National Audit Office (NAO) executive leader for local services Sue Higgins will be stepping down...


Think-tank names new chief executive

By Sam Clayden | 20 June 2016

Think-tank Localis has appointed iMPOWER's Liam Booth-Smith as its new chief executive.


Cash still king for local growth?

By Dominic Leigh | 23 May 2016

A Localis report today warned local economies and communities could suffer without the availabili...


All a matter of perception

By Alex Thomson | 17 May 2016

Alex Thomson examines the metro mayor elections set for 2017 and asks whether the races can shift...


Reserves - not a pot to be plundered

By Alex Thomson | 01 April 2016

Alex Thomson explains why it is more important than ever for councils to resist widespread pressu...


A mast-er stroke

22 March 2016

Such was the flurry of activity in the lead up to the signing of devolution deals it’s surprising...


Monitoring Officer

To £115,826

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Cheshire East Council

Leaving Care Group Manager

From £56,433 up to £64,951 per annum plus relocation support

As Group Manager you will have responsibility for the Leaving Care Team and Young People’s Refugee and Asylum Seeker Team. Apply for this job

North Yorkshire Council

Head of Finance

£87,546 - £95,092 per annum

We’re looking for a strong, visible, and inspirational leader to join us at Powys County Council. Apply for this job

Powys County Council


Monitoring Officer

To £115,826

Cheshire East is a big borough with huge potential. Apply for this job

Cheshire East Council

Leaving Care Group Manager

From £56,433 up to £64,951 per annum plus relocation support

As Group Manager you will have responsibility for the Leaving Care Team and Young People’s Refugee and Asylum Seeker Team. Apply for this job

North Yorkshire Council

Head of Finance

£87,546 - £95,092 per annum

We’re looking for a strong, visible, and inspirational leader to join us at Powys County Council. Apply for this job

Powys County Council