It's time for Government to level up

By Lord Kerslake | 06 October 2020

There's still time to avoid levelling up becoming Boris Johnson’s Big Society, writes Sir Bob Ker...


Any further loosening of planning laws would be a disaster for towns and cities

By Cllr Faisal Rana | 28 September 2020

Cllr Faisal Rana of Rochdale MBC argues that the government's planning White Paper will have a de...


Planning proposals will 'disempower' councils

By Dan Peters | 28 September 2020

The Lib Dems have used their autumn conference to warn that the Government’s planning proposals w...


Planning Reforms: Data can shine a light on the true social value of development

By Liam Ronan-Chlond | 21 September 2020

Liam Ronan-Chlond  says the challenges for both public and private sectors is how to properly mea...


Councils warn of 'housebuilding fiasco'

By Martin Ford | 15 September 2020

New government housing targets will lead to a north-south divide in England, the Local Government...


No by-elections before May, ministers confirm

By Dan Peters | 14 September 2020

Ministers have confirmed that no by-elections or neighbourhood planning referendums will take pla...


Pincher tries to soothe Tory fears over new housing formula

By Dan Peters | 03 September 2020

Housing minister Christopher Pincher has attempted to soothe Tory fears over the Government’s new...


Building foundations for community health

By Dr Daniel Slade | 01 September 2020

 A new report calls on the Government to put public health at the heart of housing delivery. Paul...


Housing MJ: The rebuild starts here

By Jackie Sadek | 30 August 2020

Amid the gloom of the current housing crisis, Jackie Sadek says local authorities can take the le...


Housing targets hit Tory shires most, ministers are warned

By Michael Burton | 25 August 2020

Ministers have been warned that proposed changes to the housing targets formula outlined earlier ...