Devo bids process blasted for promoting 'short-term' plans

By Dan Peters | 03 September 2015

A senior sector figure has suggested the Treasury’s devolution bid process encourages a short-ter...


Public health cut 'short-sighted'

By Dan Peters | 28 August 2015

The Government’s proposed in-year cut to the public health budget is ‘short-sighted, short-term a...


Chief executives criticise exit payment cap

By Dan Peters | 27 August 2015

Council chief executives have given short shrift to government plans for a new £95,000 cap on exi...


One Year From Jay: Rotherham could 'win back powers in 2017'

By Dan Peters | 25 August 2015

The head of the intervention team sent in to turn around Rotherham MBC hopes to hand back ‘some o...


Whitehall to examine cost of children's care

By Dan Peters | 18 August 2015

The Government will commission work to find out more about children’s services demand and expendi...


Local government is missing important trick

By Mark Rogers | 18 August 2015

Mark Rogers says devolution has pitched council against council and LEP against LEP while central...


No quiet summer for lawyers

By Bev Cullen | 18 August 2015

Summer is not a quiet time for local government lawyers, as the summer break provides an opportun...


Fears raised over inspection plans

By MJ reporter | 12 August 2015

Plans for new joint targeted area inspections (JTAI) for children’s services would ‘represent a s...


Contractors 'must sign ethics code' says CSPL

By MJ reporter | 12 August 2015

The Committee on Standards in Public Life (CSPL) has warned town halls to consider how contractor...


Rogers: Unite to produce one offer to Osborne

By Dan Peters | 12 August 2015

Local government should seize control of the devolution agenda by cooperating to deliver a single...


Strategy Manager (Economic Growth and Visitor Economy)

£49,764 - £51,802 per annum

Premium jobYou will be one of two senior leads reporting to the Business Manager of the Economic Growth and Visitor Economy service of the Council Apply for this job

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Deputy Lead / Team Manager Occupational Therapy

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Royal Borough of Greenwich

Change & Improvement Manager

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Royal Borough of Greenwich


Strategy Manager (Economic Growth and Visitor Economy)

£49,764 - £51,802 per annum

Premium jobYou will be one of two senior leads reporting to the Business Manager of the Economic Growth and Visitor Economy service of the Council Apply for this job

Newark & Sherwood District Council

Deputy Lead / Team Manager Occupational Therapy

£61,980 - £65,478

The Royal Borough of Greenwich is committed to delivering high-quality social care services to our diverse community. Apply for this job

Royal Borough of Greenwich

Change & Improvement Manager

£61,980 - £65,478

This is an exciting opportunity to join the Change & Improvement Team on a two-year fixed-term contract. Apply for this job

Royal Borough of Greenwich