Islamic leaders have demanded communities secretary Eric Pickles clarifies his letter to English ...
Let’s get community cohesion – and celebrating the diversity of our cities – back to the top of t...
Birmingham City Council’s chief executive has urged other councils to check their whistleblowing ...
Jonathan Owen, chief executive of the National Association of Local Councils wants parish council...
Faced with a significant number of empty homes and a reduction in government funding to tackle th...
The next time you hear about Barnet LBC’s pursuit of local government armageddon, you might stop ...
Ministers have today published three key measures aimed at making it easier for communities to se...
Should more money be put directly into the ring-fenced NHS or is it wiser to protect local counci...
In this age of austerity we all have to tighten our belts and make tough decisions about what we ...
Tim Gordon has started his new post as the Cardiff City Council’s new head of corporate communica...
At Suffolk County Council, we're reimagining what local government can achieve. Apply for this job
Our aim is to have a confident, skilled and productive workforce Apply for this job
We’ve made a promising start, with the Commissioners’ report last summer recognising our substantial progress. Apply for this job
At Suffolk County Council, we're reimagining what local government can achieve. Apply for this job
Our aim is to have a confident, skilled and productive workforce Apply for this job
We’ve made a promising start, with the Commissioners’ report last summer recognising our substantial progress. Apply for this job