Michael Taylor drives customer expansion in the UK for novoville, the citizen engagement and digi...
A housing services company created up by four councils is expected to be disbanded following ‘ser...
A £350m sale of care homes has been agreed by administrators of the UK’s second-biggest operator.
Isle of Wight Council is at loggerheads with a care provider over mounting costs.
The dominance of major suppliers to the public sector is being slowly eroded, according to newly-...
Kier Group has announced losses of £245m following what its chief executive conceded was a ‘diffi...
Capita has said it will pay all UK employees a minimum of the Real Living Wage from April, increa...
Councils have been making plans after Kier decided to exit the waste industry.
A Cheshire West & Chester Council company has continued to improve services, with all seven areas...
South Somerset DC hopes to generate income from new housing developments through a new trading co...
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