Birmingham City Council’s improvement plans have been given the green light by the Birmingham Ind...
Local Government Ombudsman (LGO) Dr Jane Martin has warned councils it will bite back if they don...
Budget day deals on business rates, combined authorities and cities show just how far local gover...
In a Budget that promised ‘no gimmicks’ in the run up to the General Election, Chancellor George ...
The communities and local government committee’s roasting of Ofsted will come as no surprise to t...
Head of the Government-appointed Rotherham MBC intervention commission, Derek Myers, talks to Hea...
The Government has backed plans to roll out a troubled families-style approach to other services,...
Councils were accused of ‘acting out their James Bond fantasies’ by communities secretary Eric Pi...
Thurrock Council chief executive Graham Farrant has announced he is to take up a new post as boss...
I am a huge supporter of the Local Government Association but it struggles to speak with one voic...
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