The true test of the Local Government Association (LGA) will be how it responds to its peer revie...
London boroughs are too aggressive when it comes to council tax debt recovery, according to a rep...
The chief executive of Edinburgh City Council has announced she will retire in October.
Councils must start to pay a ‘fair’ price for adult social care, a care association has claimed a...
It has been a long week in local government, writes Heather Jameson.
In the week the secretary of state announced the commissioners hired to turn around troubled Roth...
Home secretary Theresa May has said there is a ‘debate to be had’ on bringing in powers to recall...
Former tri-borough chief executive, Sir Derek Myers, has been drafted in as lead commissioner to ...
Stevenage BC has announced its director of resources, Scott Crudgington, will take over as its ne...
A Supreme Court Judge has branded the secretary of state’s decision to cut European funds to Mers...
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