Dan Peters reports from a recent round table in which chief executives weighed up the biggest imp...
Opposition calls for Barnet LBC’s legal department to be brought back in-house after a report cri...
Fiscal and political devolution must come ‘hand in hand’, The Infrastructure Forum has said in it...
Senior council officers have called for Growth Deals to go ‘much further’ in future after critici...
The publication of the first annual report for the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) has bee...
The world’s first social impact bond to fund children’s services has been boosted by a report loo...
Finance directors who have had their budgets slashed by central government could be forced to tur...
The importance of the Barnett formula will be ‘proportionately diminished’ when a greater degree ...
Having replaced the Regional Development Agencies in 2010, the Local Enterprise Partnerships have...
Nottinghamshire CC’s leader has called for Eric Pickles to quit after it was revealed he spent £5...
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