Author Profile

Laura Sharman

Articles by Laura Sharman

Harrow considers giving cash incentives for tenants to move abroad

By Laura Sharman | 09 April 2013

Council tenants in Harrow may be offered cash incentives to move abroad in a bid to free up socia...

Amey completes acquisition of Enterprise

By Laura Sharman | 09 April 2013

Amey has confirmed today that the acquisition of Enterprise plc is now complete.

Rother proposes senior management restructure

By Laura Sharman | 08 April 2013

Rother District Council is considering abolishing the role of chief executive under a proposed re...

Exclusive: Osborne 'wrong' to fast-track single-tier pension

By Laura Sharman | 04 April 2013

According to a survey of The MJ's sister website, Localgov, George Osborne was wrong to bring for...

EU funding blow to English LEPs

By Laura Sharman | 04 April 2013

Government's announcement on redistributing EU funding will slash 11% of England's cash allocation.

Council appoints a new director of place

By Laura Sharman | 03 April 2013

Bath & North East Somerset Council has appointed a new strategic director for place.

South Ayrshire appoints new head of corporate resources

By Laura Sharman | 02 April 2013

South Ayrshire Council has appointed Donald Gillies as its new head of corporate resources.

Caerphilly's interim chief executive refuses pay increase

By Laura Sharman | 28 March 2013

In the wake of the council's pay scandal, the acting chief executive has refused a pay increase.

Councils struggle to balance budgets, watchdog finds

By Laura Sharman | 28 March 2013

Scottish Accounts Commission says councils may have to reconsider decisions they had ruled out in...

LGA: devolution report fails to tackle Barnett funding 'unfairness'

By Laura Sharman | 26 March 2013

Mackay Commission on devolution suggests English votes for English laws, but LGA chair laments f...