Author Profile

Laura Sharman

Articles by Laura Sharman

Wolverhampton agrees equal pay arrangement

By Laura Sharman | 03 October 2012

Wolverhampton City Council introduces new pay structure for 5,000 female staff.

The best 'waste of time' you'll read all day….

By Laura Sharman | 03 October 2012

Here at Localgov we were delighted to learn our loyal readers in Brentwood are spending six weeks...

GMB warns regional pay is an 'attack on women'

By Laura Sharman | 02 October 2012

Regional pay is an ‘attack on women’ as 65% of all public sector workers are female, trade union ...

Regional pay is 'unfair' finds TUC poll

By Laura Sharman | 25 September 2012

Public rejects Government plans for regional pay in the public sector as 'unfair' TUC poll suggests.

Local authorities have 'dysfunctional relationship' with GPs

By Laura Sharman | 19 September 2012

Local authorities are failing to support GPs and manage demand for residential care, according to...

Bromley 'penalised' for backing academies

By Laura Sharman | 20 August 2012

Bromley Council believes it is being financially penalised for its support of the Government's Ac...

APSE: Councils are capable of change

By Laura Sharman | 13 August 2012

According to new research from APSE, business acumen and entrepreneurship are 'flourishing' in lo...

Shared services saving councils million

By Laura Sharman | 10 August 2012

According to a new report from the LGA, shared services are saving councils money, but not enough...

Surrey CC director to become Mole Valley chief exec

By Laura Sharman | 09 August 2012

A director at Surrey CC is to become the interim chief executive at Mole Valley DC.

Whitehall achieves savings of £5.5bn

By Laura Sharman | 09 August 2012

Whitehall has made savings of £5.5bn over the past year, Cabinet Office Francis Maude has announced.