Author Profile

Laura Sharman

Articles by Laura Sharman

Caerphilly approves Living Wage for workers

By Laura Sharman | 08 August 2012

Workers on low wages will be given a pay rise after Caerphilly County Borough Council approved pl...

Councils do not expect more rioting this year

By Laura Sharman | 06 August 2012

Local authorities that experienced the 2011 riots are confident there will not be a repeat of the...

West Suffolk approves shared management team

By Laura Sharman | 06 August 2012

Two councils in West Suffolk have agreed a new shared management team.

Councils issued advice on best value public health actions

By Laura Sharman | 25 July 2012

NICE offers local authorities advice on public health actions promising best value for money.

Councils plan to outsource a third of services by 2015

By Laura Sharman | 24 July 2012

Local authorities plan to outsource a third of all services by 2014/15 in a bid to achieve saving...

Public sector hit hardest by fraud

By Laura Sharman | 24 July 2012

The public sector has been hit the hardest by fraud over the past six months according to the lat...

Councils falling vitcim to metal thefts

By Laura Sharman | 09 July 2012

Nine in ten councils have been affected by metal theft, according to new research published by th...

Councils failing to collect over £2bn in council tax

By Laura Sharman | 27 June 2012

Local authorities in England are failing to collect £2.3bn in council tax bills, according to fig...

Councils told localism is 'a neccessity'

By Laura Sharman | 27 June 2012

Delegates at the 2012 LGA conference have heard any further cuts to spending will impact on front...

Sector 'struggling' to recruit and keep staff

By Laura Sharman | 22 June 2012

Annual employment survey shows image problems make recruitment and retention increasingly diffic...