Conservative health minister Anne Milton criticised on Government plans to transfer commissioning...
Councils in the north-east of England were this week revealed as criminal re-offending 'hotspots'.
Oxford City Council announces plans to put CCTV inside its 650 licensed taxis,but brings criticis...
Council tenants in west London could face eviction unless they find work or training, it has been...
A new £10m cash pot to create 1,000 new jobs for Glasgow's graduates was unveiled by the city’s c...
The Government's policies on personal care budgets and public spending transparency are leading t...
Audit Commission reports the £185m of fraud detected by councils in 2010/11 could be the 'tip of ...
Ministers have announced a £500m government cash pot designed to boost regional economic growth.
An influential cross-party group of MPs this week backed government plans for High Speed Rail 2 (...
The Local Government Association claims to have saved taxpayers an estimated £1.3bn by securing c...
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