Author Profile

Cllr James Jamieson

Articles by Cllr James Jamieson

Councils need assurance on adequate funding for next year

By Cllr James Jamieson | 16 November 2022

To save the local services we all rely on, councils need adequate funding, in line with inflation...

Now is the time to bring central and local government closer together

By Cllr James Jamieson | 20 September 2022

During what has been a historic period of national mourning, councils provided important leadersh...

Financial sustainability is vital for councils

By Cllr James Jamieson | 26 July 2022

Chairman of the LGA Cllr James Jamieson says he met with the new secretary of state Greg Clark, w...

Debate Not Hate – the LGA's call for change

By Cllr James Jamieson | 27 June 2022

Cllr James Jamieson outlines the LGA’s latest campaign aimed at addressing the level of abuse and...

The biggest event in the local government calendar returns

By Cllr James Jamieson | 21 June 2022

The sector is poised to gather next week at the LGA Annual Conference. Chairman Cllr James Jamies...

Moving at pace and scale to help Ukrainian arrivals

By Cllr James Jamieson | 06 April 2022

The LGA's engagement with Government on the humanitarian crisis facing those fleeing the war in U...

We need the tools to make land owners and developers build

By Cllr James Jamieson | 02 August 2021

The Government should bring forward the Planning Bill in draft form so it is subject to pre-legis...

We need more frontline funding for local public health teams

By James Jamieson | 13 April 2021

It will be vital that Government provides greater frontline funding for local public health teams...

Spending review: Ensuring an economic recovery which benefits everyone

By Cllr James Jamieson | 30 November 2020

Investment in local public services is critical to national recovery, and councils can only lead ...

Together, we can strengthen the UK's economic recovery

By Cllr James Jamieson | 06 October 2020

The LGA’s Spending Review submission sets out how councils can be the driver to achieve shared pr...