Author Profile

Sam Clayden

Articles by Sam Clayden

Labour beat election expectations but concerns remain

By Sam Clayden | 06 May 2016

The Labour party did better than predicted in England, but suffered major setbacks in Scotland an...

Research raises questions over forced academisation

By Sam Clayden | 05 May 2016

Good schools do not benefit from academy conversion but failing schools do show signs of improvem...

Cameron backs down on child refugee proposals

By Sam Clayden | 04 May 2016

Prime minister David Cameron has climbed down on plans to block an amendment to resettle unaccomp...

MPs use finance excuse to block Lords housing amendments

By William Eichler | 04 May 2016

The Government has overruled several key amendments to the Housing and Planning Bill agreed in th...

Highways deal offers better value for East Sussex

By Sam Clayden | 03 May 2016

The appointment of a new joint venture to take responsibility over highways in East Sussex will o...

DCLG is standing firm in face of right to buy report

By Sam Clayden | 03 May 2016

Whitehall should be ‘embarrassed’ by the findings of a damning public accounts committee (PAC) re...

Morgan's Tory appeal over school reforms

By Sam Clayden | 03 May 2016

Education secretary Nicky Morgan has attempted to appease dissenting Tory councillors and MPs con...

Devo disputes continue

By Sam Clayden | 03 May 2016

Ongoing wrangles over devolution deals are causing regions to miss out on vital opportunities, MP...

Whitehall should be 'embarrassed' by PAC report

By Sam Clayden | 29 April 2016

Whitehall should be ‘embarrassed’ by the findings of a public accounts committee (PAC) report int...

Whitehall must 'rethink' after 13th housing defeat

By Sam Clayden | 28 April 2016

The Government must now rethink its ‘damaging’ housing plans after 13 defeats in the House of Lor...