Author Profile

Martin Ford

Martin Ford

Articles by Martin Ford

Finance review reaches out to sector

By Martin Ford | 23 May 2018

The man heading a review into Marsham Street’s oversight of the business rates system is approach...

Demands for tax rise to meet social care costs

By Martin Ford | 23 May 2018

Pressure is mounting for tax increases to help fund rising health and social care costs.

Telford CSE inquiry delayed to involve victims

By Martin Ford | 23 May 2018

An inquiry into child sexual exploitation in Telford has been delayed to give victims a greater s...

Somerset reorganisation would be 'dangerous, unwarranted and unnecessary'

By Martin Ford | 23 May 2018

Proposals to create a unitary authority in Somerset have been labelled 'dangerous, unwarranted an...

Wood announces retirement from Herts

By Martin Ford | 23 May 2018

Hertfordshire CC's chief executive John Wood has announced his retirement.

'Opportunities missed' to stop homeless death

By Martin Ford | 22 May 2018

Opportunities were missed to provide accommodation for a rough sleeper whose partially decomposed...

Sector piles pressure on Government over EU funding

By Martin Ford | 22 May 2018

Pressure is mounting for an overhaul of how EU funding is distributed when it is replaced post-Br...

Overspending forces Manchester to dip into reserves

By Martin Ford | 22 May 2018

Manchester City Council has been forced to dip into its reserves after overspending on its 2017/1...

New chief to join Maldon

By Martin Ford | 07 February 2017

Doug Wilkinson will join Maldon DC as chief executive next month.

Nottingham adds to senior team

By Martin Ford | 01 January 2017

There are set to be two additions to Nottingham City Council’s senior team.