Author Profile

Adele Taylor

Adele Taylor

Adele Taylor is interim executive director of finance and Governance at Cherwell and South Northamptonshire

Articles by Adele Taylor

Stepping up in Slough

By Adele Taylor | 21 March 2023

As Adele Taylor steps into the new role of executive director for finance and commercial at strug...

Rigour around regular budget management is crucial

By Adele Taylor | 08 February 2023

Rigour around regular budget management might feel like a basic but it is crucial to an organisat...

Where is the co-design between local and central Government happening?

By Adele Taylor | 07 December 2022

The centre and the local working together 'must be in all our best interests rather than us waiti...

We need to get across the story of the real impact of 'trimming fat'

By Adele Taylor | 26 October 2022

Adele Taylor is concerned about how far away the decision-makers are from the impact on the local...

We need more information on council finances

By Adele Taylor | 14 September 2022

Now that political roles are settled Adele Taylor is hoping we will start to see a rush of inform...

Wrestling with uncertainty on budget setting

By Adele Taylor | 03 August 2022

Adele Taylor says one key question for the Conservative leadership contenders is: ‘When will you ...

Finance is not the be-all and end-all of tackling some 'wicked' issues

By Adele Taylor | 21 June 2022

Adele Taylor travelled to Sierra Leone to run her first marathon, and in visiting projects there ...

Let's use conversations to tackle misunderstandings about councils

By Adele Taylor | 11 May 2022

If we are to change people’s views about what local government achieves with the resources it has...

Where are the chief finance officers of the future going to come from?

By Adele Taylor | 29 March 2022

Unless we find a way to turn the tide of the recruitment crisis soon, finding staff at all levels...

Tax rebates - a never-ending task for finance teams?

By Adele Taylor | 15 February 2022

Issuing council tax rebates to alleviate soaring energy costs sounds simple enough until you star...