Author Profile

Adele Taylor

Adele Taylor

Adele Taylor is interim executive director of finance and Governance at Cherwell and South Northamptonshire

Articles by Adele Taylor

Presenting simple and clear messages on our finances is crucial

By Adele Taylor | 15 December 2021

Describing the impact of actions on our finances in an intelligible and engaging way should be bu...

There are more questions now than before the Budget

By Adele Taylor | 02 November 2021

The more challenging aspect of the Budget's announcements is the vacuum of definitive information...

Understanding the impact of funding care

By Adele Taylor | 24 September 2021

Finance directors now need a good grounding in adult social care if they are going to understand ...

Reflecting on our financial sustainability story

By Adele Taylor | 10 August 2021

Adele Taylor says that in a year when income, expenditure and support from central Government 'ha...

Dealing with uncertainty's twists and turns

By Adele Taylor | 30 June 2021

The role of Section 151 officers 'is ensuring we are laying the groundwork for being able to fore...

Finance teams must stay in the loop

By Adele Taylor | 19 May 2021

Local government finance teams must be constantly inquisitive about Government policy changes tha...

Now's not the time to be shy

By Adele Taylor | 08 April 2021

With a Spending Review later this year, local government finance leads should be 'making our case...

Working together in perfect harmony

By Adele Taylor | 24 February 2021

Teams are a blend of personalities and attributes that work together in harmony, 'so don’t assume...

We can ensure that finance is a true enabler for our organisations

By Adele Taylor | 12 January 2021

Adele Taylor says 'local government can have a reputation for glacial change (unfairly I think), ...

Striking a balance

By Adele Taylor | 11 November 2020

There have been press mentions of possible eye-watering levels of potential fraud from COVID supp...