Care minister Norman Lamb has called on local authorities to collaborate more closely with the NH...
Unison has raised fresh concerns over outsourcing of public services after Doncaster MBC confirme...
The WLGA has warned that councils could have to cut spending by more than a half as financial cut...
Local Government Ombudsman rules Cheshire East Council misled the public over a planning applicat...
Exeter City Council’s chief executive, Philip Bostock, has announced he will retire in the summer...
Diane Wood looks set to become the new acting chief executive at Cumbria CC, subject to a full co...
Adult social care bosses have warned that departments face an ever bleaker future than originally...
Britain’s social investment market is on the rise, according to Big Society Capital’s first annua...
Business secretary Vince Cable has distanced himself from local enterprise partnerships saying h...
Outgoing chief of Kensington and Chelsea RLBC and Hammersmith and Fulham LBC joins Public Health ...
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