Author Profile

Jamie Hailstone

Articles by Jamie Hailstone

Social care 'must have more cash' to improve

By Mark Conrad | 11 July 2012

Councils warn about the attempts to improve the quality of social care in the UK following the pu...

Care white paper expected on Wednesday

By Jamie Hailstone | 09 July 2012

The Government's eagerly awaited white paper on social care funding reform is expected to be fina...

Councils condemn Leeds hospital decision

By Jamie Hailstone | 06 July 2012

Council leaders across Yorkshire, join protests at the Government's decision to close children's ...

Flood-hit regions could appeal for Bellwin cash

By Jamie Hailstone | 04 July 2012

Councils in the North East are considering applying for grants from central government under the ...

Austerity 'will squeeze out' free NHS services

By Jamie Hailstone | 04 July 2012

A decade of austerity in the NHS could mean the end of some free services and more financial pres...

Pressures 'force councils to consider outsourcing'

By Jamie Hailstone | 04 July 2012

According to the chief executive of support services group May Gurney, budgegtary pressures mean ...

Assets scheme ' could end countryside philanthropy '

By Jamie Hailstone | 02 July 2012

Letting groups register playing fields and village halls as community assets risks the tradition ...

Variable costs of care for elderly

By Jamie Hailstone | 27 June 2012

Survey says fees for care-home places have fallen, as costs rise.

Bond developing with Worcester care teams?

By Jamie Hailstone | 27 June 2012

Worcestershire CC is considering using a social impact bond to revolutionise health and social ca...

NLGN's manifesto call for more local power

By Jamie Hailstone | 27 June 2012

A new report says devolution of greater powers to local government should be combined with counci...