Author Profile

Jamie Hailstone

Articles by Jamie Hailstone

Councils not meeting affordable homes targets

By Jamie Hailstone | 04 August 2011

Councils have failed to meet their affordable housing targets by an average of 76%, according to...

Firm Foundation laid for Big Society bank

By Jamie Hailstone | 03 August 2011

The social enterprise, Private Equity Foundation, has become the first beneficiary of the newly-l...

Members block moves for sharing senior posts

By Jamie Hailstone | 03 August 2011

Plans for wider use of shared chief executives across the local government sector have suffered a...

Serco set to deal direct with opted-out schools

By Jamie Hailstone | 03 August 2011

Support services groups such as Serco could soon be signing outsourcing deals directly with schoo...

Third sector warns cuts poll is 'tip of the iceberg'

By Jamie Hailstone | 03 August 2011

Charity bosses have warned that this year’s council budget cuts are the ‘tip of the iceberg’, wit...

Lawyer questions 'unlikely' reports of £1m compensation for Shoesmith

By Jamie Hailstone | 03 August 2011

Newspaper reports of £1m compensation for Sharon Shoesmith are ‘unlikely’, a leading employment l...

Most public sector workers given a pay freeze

By Jamie Hailstone | 03 August 2011

Most public sector workers have been given a pay freeze, according to a new survey by the CIPD.

Pickles reveals council tax benefit plan

By Jamie Hailstone | 02 August 2011

Communities secretary Eric Pickles has launched a consultation on council tax benefit, which aims...

Ministers officially launch Big Society Bank

By Jamie Hailstone | 29 July 2011

The Big Society Bank has been officially launched by the Government with around £600m of capital.

More people think welfare system is too generous says ONS

By Jamie Hailstone | 29 July 2011

The number of people who think the welfare system is too generous is on the rise, according to a ...