Author Profile

Jamie Hailstone

Articles by Jamie Hailstone

Councils sign up to social care precept

By Jamie Hailstone | 11 March 2016

Most local authorities in England have taken advantage of the Government’s new social care precep...

Deficit fears force Manchester to review HRA deal

By Jamie Hailstone | 08 March 2016

Manchester City Council is to review its housing revenue account (HRA) after it was revealed Whit...

Minister challenges rivals on tax reforms

By Jamie Hailstone | 08 March 2016

The Scottish local government minister has thrown down the gauntlet to his political rivals, call...

73% 'demand consultation' before contracting out services

By Jamie Hailstone | 08 March 2016

Almost three-quarters of people want to be consulted before councils outsource services, accordin...

Council's land sale will create 2,800 new homes

By Jamie Hailstone | 08 March 2016

Telford & Wrekin Council is to sell off land owned by the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) in a...

'More authorities will join energy partnerships'

By Jamie Hailstone | 08 March 2016

Electricity provider OVO Energy has predicted more councils will go into the energy business afte...

Majority support cross-party action to fix growing care crisis

By Jamie Hailstone | 08 March 2016

A survey by the charity Independent Age has revealed overwhelming public support for cross-party ...

Government to cut schools funding for councils

By Jamie Hailstone | 07 March 2016

Local authorities could lose billions of pounds under new plans for a new national schools fundin...

Whitehall calls for groups to join forces to cut red tape

By Jamie Hailstone | 04 March 2016

A Whitehall report has criticised local government groups for failing to work together on project...

'Give infrastructure body greater powers,' says CBI

By Jamie Hailstone | 01 March 2016

Business leaders have called on the Government to give the National Infrastructure Commission str...