Author Profile

Jamie Hailstone

Articles by Jamie Hailstone

'Give infrastructure body greater powers,' says CBI

By Jamie Hailstone | 01 March 2016

Business leaders have called on the Government to give the National Infrastructure Commission str...

Councils plan to charge extra council tax for second homes

By Jamie Hailstone | 01 March 2016

Councils in Wales have unveiled plans to start charging additional council tax for second homes.

Council asks for grant instead of precept

By Jamie Hailstone | 01 March 2016

Redcar and Cleveland BC has asked George Osborne for a ring-fenced grant instead of having to int...

Northern cities lagging behind, claims foundation

By Jamie Hailstone | 29 February 2016

A leading think tank has warned some cities could miss out under the Government’s Northern Powerh...

Swinney confirms £10.3bn settlement

By Jamie Hailstone | 26 February 2016

The Scottish deputy first minister, John Swinney, has confirmed the details of the overall fundin...

Council 'digs deep' to renovate landmark pier

By Jamie Hailstone | 23 February 2016

Southend-on-Sea BC will dig deep into its own pockets to regenerate its landmark pier after no pr...

Council offers 'courtroom' on its premises

By Jamie Hailstone | 23 February 2016

Northumberland Council has offered the use of its buildings for court hearings after the closure ...

Fast-track planning 'good news for cash-strapped councils'

By Jamie Hailstone | 23 February 2016

Developers have hailed plans to fast-track planning applications as good news for cash-strapped c...

Authority seeks bids for energy firm partnership

By Jamie Hailstone | 23 February 2016

Shropshire Council is expected to become the latest local authority to join the energy business a...

Director wanted to head London boroughs' devo deals

By Jamie Hailstone | 23 February 2016

Seven London boroughs are to take their devolution plans a step further by recruiting a director ...