Author Profile

MJ reporter

Articles by MJ reporter

15-minute care visits labelled inappropriate

By MJ reporter | 28 October 2014

Campaigners have welcomed new government guidelines, which state that 15-minute care visits are i...

DCLG improving claims NAO

By MJ reporter | 28 October 2014

Levels of staff engagement at the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) have mad...

IPPR calls on the Government to create Settlement Support Fund

By MJ reporter | 21 October 2014

A leading think-tank has called for councils to be given money from citizenship fees to help prom...

Union urges Surrey CC to rethink elderly homes closures

By MJ reporter | 21 October 2014

The GMB trade union has urged Surrey CC councillors to rethink a decision to close six care homes...

Councils failed to detect rise in non-benefit fraud

By MJ reporter | 21 October 2014

Some 39 councils, among them 35 districts, failed to detect a single instance of non-benefit frau...

Leeds poised to sell property to fight spending cuts

By MJ reporter | 21 October 2014

Leeds City Council could sell off almost £100m worth of land and buildings over the next few year...

Alliances 'improve patient care'

By MJ reporter | 21 October 2014

Hospital consultants should spend more time with their social care colleagues, according to a new...

More departures put directors under fire

By MJ reporter | 21 October 2014

Fresh concerns have been raised over the ability of children’s services directors to turn around ...

Croydon lobbies for £5.25bn devolution plan

By MJ reporter | 21 October 2014

Croydon LBC is lobbying ministers to devolve rights for it to collect a raft of local property ta...

Supermarket tax will raise food bills

By MJ reporter | 01 August 2014

Business leaders have warned that council plans to tax larger supermarkets will only lead to larg...