Author Profile

MJ reporter

Articles by MJ reporter

A roaring success for Wolves at The MJ Achievement Awards

By MJ reporter | 21 June 2017

It was Wolverhampton’s night last week when the city council was named Local Authority of the Yea...

Errors plague Plymouth vote

By MJ reporter | 14 June 2017

Plymouth City Council has apologised after failing to include thousands of votes in a General Ele...

Lumley to present MJ awards

By MJ reporter | 10 May 2017

The MJ has some Absolutely Fabulous news to announce about The MJ Awards gala night on 15 June –...

Counties demand U-turn on health funding cuts

By MJ reporter | 23 November 2016

Counties have demanded a reversal of planned cuts to public health funding.

£10,000 mortgage payment to tempt new social workers

By MJ reporter | 03 May 2016

Derby City Council has offered new social workers £10,000 towards a mortgage in what it claims to...

Bid to simplify authorities' accounts 'should go further'

By MJ reporter | 12 April 2016

A senior council finance chief has questioned the success of efforts to make local government acc...

Tory Barnet to leave LGA

By MJ reporter | 31 March 2016

Conservative-run Barnet LBC has confirmed it will leave the Local Government Association (LGA) to...

Ofsted changes 'do not go far enough'

By MJ reporter | 08 March 2016

Proposed changes to Ofsted inspections of children’s services do not go far enough, council chief...

Digital standards drive launched

By MJ reporter | 02 March 2016

New standards designed to improve the quality of council services delivered digitally will be lau...

NHS rate relief demands 'unfounded'

By MJ reporter | 01 March 2016

Applications for mandatory business rate relief from NHS trusts claiming they are charities are ‘...