Delivering council-wide savings rather than micro services reductions is the order of the day, wr...
Chief operating officer at Cornwall Council Tracie Langley looks at how to do financial planning...
Even though councils' financial positions are difficult, 'we must work out how we redirect our r...
Tracie Langley's experience tells her 'a s114 is only necessary when there is no other option - ...
After the pandemic, 'our plans must include how we keep hold of some of the brilliant things we h...
Interim chief operating officer at Cornwall Council, Tracie Langley, views her leadership role as...
Tracie Langley offers a three point narrative for resolving the complexity of budget management i...
How do you create the compelling narrative that in the first case secures funding, but also engag...
Tracie Langley says digitisation is 'worth every single penny' - but it is the service redesign ...
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