Author Profile

Jonathan Werran

Jonathan Werran

Jonathan Werran is head of news at Localis

Articles by Jonathan Werran

Essex discloses Lord Hanningfield's expenses' claims

By Jonathan Werran | 15 November 2012

Essex CC has disclosed details of Lord Hanningfield’s credit card expenses.

Eric's Legal Minefield

By Jonathan Werran | 15 November 2012

Local government lawyers this week warned communities secretary Eric Pickles' plan to make it eas...

LGA may drop sector-led improvement as priority

By Jonathan Werran | 15 November 2012

The LGA could drop sector-led improvement as one of its key priorities next year.

Property experts dispute delay to business rates revaluation

By Jonathan Werran | 14 November 2012

Property experts restate industry concerns over Government’s decision to postpone revaluation of...

Parsons' wife faces probe

By Jonathan Werran | 14 November 2012

The wife of Cllr David Parsons, has become embroiled in separate police and council standards inv...

Can Whitehall do 'Tarzanomics'?

By Jonathan Werran | 13 November 2012

Jonathan Werran on the key findings of Lord Heseltine's recent growth review.

Mandarins 'must smash silo mentality' says IfG

By Jonathan Werran | 13 November 2012

Civil service chiefs must force Whitehall departments to smash 'a deeply-ingrained cycle of 'silo...

Leicestershire CC Conservatives expel former leader Parsons

By Jonathan Werran | 08 November 2012

Leics CC’s Conservative group expels former leader, Cllr David Parsons, ‘as a matter of principle...

Exclusive: Must do better, Mr Gove

By Jonathan Werran | 08 November 2012

Senior MPs lambast DfE failings on children's care as inquiries expose UK-wide problems.

Doubling LGPS investment ceiling 'could raise £22bn'

By Jonathan Werran | 07 November 2012

Under plans outlined by the DCLG, LGPS funds could be allowed to double the amount they can inves...