Author Profile

Jonathan Werran

Jonathan Werran

Jonathan Werran is head of news at Localis

Articles by Jonathan Werran

The battle between Gove and the watchdogs

By Jonathan Werran | 07 November 2012

Jonathan Werran looks at the recent comments made by Michael Gove on spending watchdogs.

Pickles proposes lifting council pensions' investment cap to 30%

By Jonathan Werran | 07 November 2012

LGPS funds could double the amount they are allowed to invest in local infrastructure schemes, fo...

Exclusive: Parsons resigns from Leicestershire's Conservative group

By Jonathan Werran | 07 November 2012

Cllr David Parsons, former leader of Leics CC resigns from the county’s Conservative Group on eve...

LGA frustrated by new Act's 'lack of flexibility'

By Jonathan Werran | 07 November 2012

The Local Government Finance Act received Royal Assent on 1 November, paving the way for councils...

Local Government Finance Act 2012 gains Royal Assent

By Jonathan Werran | 05 November 2012

The Local Government Finance Act 2012 received Royal Assent on 1 November, paving the way for cou...

Miliband and Johnson make 'Living Wage' pledge

By Jonathan Werran | 05 November 2012

Labour Party leader and Conservative London Mayor give backing to adequate living standards pay-r...

Local government finance Bill passed

By Jonathan Werran | 01 November 2012

The Local Government Finance Bill has been passed today, with the Government accepting amendments...

HB reforms threaten affordable homes crisis, watchdogs warn

By Jonathan Werran | 01 November 2012

Spending watchdogs have reported just under half of local authority areas could soon face shortfa...

PFI deals could force hospital bankruptcies, MPs warn

By Jonathan Werran | 01 November 2012

Parliament's spending watchdog criticises the Department of Health for not explaining what would ...

'Improve street conditions' to prevent falls says WRVS

By Jonathan Werran | 31 October 2012

Councils should improve streetlighting and pavement standards to help reduce the numbers of elder...