Author Profile

Jonathan Werran

Jonathan Werran

Jonathan Werran is head of news at Localis

Articles by Jonathan Werran

Clegg supports education role

By Jonathan Werran | 07 September 2011

Nick Clegg has pledged that local authorities will remain a crucial lynchpin in the education sys...

Dispute warning over pension shift

By Jonathan Werran | 07 September 2011

Failure to secure LGPS reforms could drag council staff into unrelated walkouts this autumn, warn...

Bring back National Service…?

By Jonathan Werran | 07 September 2011

Jonathan Werran considers the political fall out from the recent rioting.

LPFA sparks pensions scheme debate

By Jonathan Werran | 06 September 2011

LG pension fund green paper urges acceptance of career average basis and new ‘low start scheme’ t...

Ministers must address rural funding gap, campaigners urge

By Jonathan Werran | 05 September 2011

Report claims countryside councils pay 'rural penalty' of lower central grant and higher council ...

Pickles tells councils to give third sector 'fair deal'

By Jonathan Werran | 02 September 2011

New Best Value Duty guidance issued by Eric Pickles commands councils to protect charities from u...

Councils' data breaches expose 160,000 people, study shows

By Jonathan Werran | 02 September 2011

Councils have lost sensitive data relating to more than 160,000 individuals in the past five year...

SOLACE refutes Shapps' claims

By Jonathan Werran | 01 September 2011

SOLACE has dismissed claims by housing minister, Grant Shapps, that it is responsible for inflati...

CBI buys into PFI deals despite MPs' misgivings

By Jonathan Werran | 01 September 2011

The CBI has presented a package of measures to boost infrastructure investment through effective ...

Government 'failing' to rein in senior pay

By Jonathan Werran | 01 September 2011

Failure to curb reward-related pay in the public sector signifies the Government is delaying seri...