One of Eric Pickles’ senior officials has expressed concerns the coalition’s planned benefits cap...
Andrew Dilnot’s eagerly-awaited report into the funding of adult care and support has recommended...
Lord Hanningfield jailed for nine months at Maidstone Crown Court for fiddling Parliamentary expe...
DCLG officials in firing line over mismanaged upgrade of fire control rooms.
Audit Commission warns DCLG proposals threaten auditors' independence.
Civil servants, teachers and lecturers began strike action over proposed penion changes today.
Councillors are against changes to housing benefit according to a survey.
Pro market think tank claims government has to hold firm on public sector pension reform.
A study by NLGN has shown areas of the UK most prepared to benefit from the Big Society agenda.
Margaret Eaton calls upon Whitehall departments to publish details of spending higher than £500.
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