Author Profile

Jonathan Werran

Jonathan Werran

Jonathan Werran is head of news at Localis

Articles by Jonathan Werran

Mutual benefits as Co-op launches advice centres

By Jonathan Werran | 19 May 2011

Co-operative Group has launched a one-stop-shop offering expert advice and hands-on assistance to...

Public sector redundancies 'cancel out' private sector recovery

By Jonathan Werran | 18 May 2011

Redundancies in the public sector are cancelling out job recovery in the private sector, accordin...

Maude confirms continued role for outsourcing

By Jonathan Werran | 17 May 2011

Conventional outsourcing will run alongside new ways of breaking up public sector monopolies, Fra...

Cameron restates case for NHS reforms

By Jonathan Werran | 17 May 2011

David Cameron will today restate the coalition’s case for NHS reforms, claiming resistance to cha...

Pay in public sector 'outstrips private'

By Jonathan Werran | 12 May 2011

Public sector pay increases have outstripped private sector salary rises, despite the recession, ...

Entering the Dragon's Den

By Jonathan Werran | 14 April 2011

Jonathan Werran wonders how far above the parapet senior officials should push their heads in pro...

Efficiency 'guru' ridicules Labour's 'sexy' IT regime

By Jonathan Werran | 07 April 2011

The head of the Cabinet Office’s efficiency and reform group (ERG)has attacked Labour ministers '...