Author Profile

Sheila Oxtoby

Articles by Sheila Oxtoby

We had little option but to take legal action around housing asylum seekers

By Sheila Oxtoby | 16 November 2022

Great Yarmouth is among a number of councils in the midst of legal proceedings around the accommo...

Protecting the welfare of asylum seekers in Great Yarmouth

By Sheila Oxtoby | 27 September 2022

The Home Office, with no advance notice and no funding, has left local authorities and health ser...

What will the two leadership candidates mean for councils?

By Sheila Oxtoby | 08 August 2022

It is clear there are some major differences in the two Conservative leadership candidates' likel...

The right conversations are more powerful than structures

By Sheila Oxtoby | 21 June 2022

Tackling issues such as delayed hospital discharges is not about structures and powers, although ...

We need more joined-up working between local and central Government

By Sheila Oxtoby | 04 May 2022

'Nutrient neutrality' regulations are well-meaning but the need to reduce our impact on the envir...

Helping the mayoral medicine go down

By Sheila Oxtoby | 15 March 2022

There is a willingness to enter into negotiations on a county deal in good faith, but there seems...

Give us the chance to plan ahead

By Sheila Oxtoby | 26 January 2022

Chief executive of Great Yarmouth BC Sheila Oxtoby outlines the three key things her council is h...

The next few months will be testing

By Sheila Oxtoby | 17 November 2021

The pressures of COVID have not gone away, says chief executive of Great Yarmouth BC Sheila Oxtob...

Waiting with anticipation for the levelling up White Paper

By Sheila Oxtoby | 27 September 2021

Sheila Oxtoby says that like many in local government, she is keen to see whether the levelling u...

Embracing a greener tourism economy in Great Yarmouth

By Sheila Oxtoby | 22 June 2021

Great Yarmouth is engaged with European partners and Norfolk CC on working towards a greener tour...