Child refugee support 'compromised by wholly inadequate funding'

By Sam Clayden | 03 November 2016

The abilities of councils to meet the needs of child refugees is being undermined by ‘wholly inad...


No 'clever fix from centre' for failing children's services

By Sam Clayden | 01 November 2016

The idea that Whitehall can rectify child protection failures with a ‘clever fix’ from the centre...


Inspectorate to be independent

By Jamie Hailstone | 26 October 2016

Care directors have welcomed the news the Government’s new social work inspectorate will be indep...


Joining forces to tackle sexual exploitation

By Dave Hill | 18 October 2016

Child sexual exploitation cannot be tackled by local government alone and councils are undertakin...


NAO: Government children's services reforms unsuccessful

By Sam Clayden | 12 October 2016

Auditors have blasted government attempts to rectify failure within children’s services, warning ...


Mandatory reporting of abuse 'won't aid outcomes'

By Jamie Hailstone | 12 October 2016

Town hall bosses have criticised government plans to introduce mandatory reporting of suspected c...


Lack of cash may scupper free childcare programme

By Jamie Hailstone | 27 September 2016

Town hall bosses have warned Whitehall’s plans to increase the amount of free childcare in Englan...


Determined to improve life chances

By Dave Hill | 09 September 2016

Dave Hill reflects on the ADCS annual conference and discusses how best to support the country's ...


LGA joins opposition to 'golden hellos'

By Jamie Hailstone | 08 September 2016

Council leaders have joined officers in calling for a ban on independent agencies offering foster...


Directors call for ban on fostering golden hellos

By Dan Peters | 05 August 2016

Children’s services directors have called for private agencies to be banned from offering golden ...


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Chief Digital and Information Officer

£88,679 to £103,255

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Ashfield is thriving. We are proud of our district and our ambition is to be ‘great’ across all our services. Apply for this job

Ashfield District Council

Assistant Director Legal, Governance and Coroners (Monitoring Officer)


Rochdale Borough Council is looking for a pioneering, passionate and proud Assistant Director of Legal, Governance and Coroners (Monitoring Officer). Apply for this job

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