Council tax set for biggest rise in 14 years, says CIPFA

By Heather Jameson | 01 March 2018

Council tax payers face the sharpest rise in their taxes for 14 years, according to the Chartered...


Greens call for council tax and business rates reform

By Dan Peters | 22 February 2018

Co-convener of the Scottish Greens, Patrick Harvie, has called for a replacement of the current s...


More powers needed to unlock land for housing - LGA

By Hiba Mahamadi | 16 February 2018

Councils should be allowed to charge developers full council tax where land is left after securin...


4 wheel drive woman

14 February 2018

Tarquin, pop your head back in the window, there’s a good boy. We need to get you to your private...


Labour looks to overhaul 'not fit for purpose' council tax

By Mark Conrad | 12 February 2018

Labour is considering a range of options to fund local authorities as part of an overhaul of a co...


Westminster proposes 'voluntary' council tax scheme

By William Eichler | 12 February 2018

Westminster City Council has proposed to freeze council tax and instead invite those in the most ...


The MJ/LGiU finance survey: The balancing act continues

By Dan Peters | 06 February 2018

Children's services has emerged as the new biggest risk facing the sector, overtaking adult socia...


Fund the biggest pressures nationally and the rest through a progressive local tax

By Paul Wheeler | 06 February 2018

It is time we broke our fixation with Brexit and focused on issues of real concern, writes Paul W...


EXCLUSIVE: Government was warned of fears over Northamptonshire's finances

By Dan Peters | 01 February 2018

Northamptonshire CC warned the Government it was facing a structural funding deficit years before...


Burnham settles on £7 precept

By Mark Conrad | 29 January 2018

Greater Manchester’s directly-elected mayor, Andy Burnham, will charge households an average of £...