New data shows how £13.9bn of cumulative cuts in local authority funding in the 14 years since 20...
The sector should expect more tax cutting smoke and mirror solutions at this year’s Budget, says ...
An overhaul of the local government system and a fresh wave of devolution have been put forward a...
Argyll and Bute Council has become the first to reject the Scottish Government’s council tax freeze.
Cash-strapped Birmingham City Council will cut spending on services by £300m to balance its books.
Without the additional £17m a year Somerset Council could have generated through council tax the ...
Henri Murison says the archaic council tax system has to change – and work should begin immediate...
Wales could have a chance to deal with unfairness in the council tax system and drive the agenda ...
The Government has allowed some authorities to hike council tax while refusing Somerset Council’s...
Uncertainties over funding have forced councils to push back their budget-setting with the deadli...
In response to the imminent changes to the statutory duties for Virtual School Heads, the remit for the role has widened. Apply for this job
This is a significant strategic leadership role within the Council. Apply for this job
This is a great role for a talented and ambitious individual who can offer a breadth of experience. Apply for this job
In response to the imminent changes to the statutory duties for Virtual School Heads, the remit for the role has widened. Apply for this job
This is a significant strategic leadership role within the Council. Apply for this job
This is a great role for a talented and ambitious individual who can offer a breadth of experience. Apply for this job