Is it going to be giveaways or propping up councils?

23 January 2024

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt has asked Treasury staff to scout for potential cash for local government,...


The Hunt for cash

By Heather Jameson | 23 January 2024

The Treasury has asked an internal team of experts to hunt down potential extra cash for local go...


SEND school transport's impossible situation

By Ann Carruthers | 23 January 2024

Suzanne Smith and Ann Carruthers set out recommendations to government from a report highlighting...


MPs call on Sunak to boost council settlement

By Heather Jameson | 22 January 2024

More than 40 MPs have called on the Government to rethink the finance settlement in a bid to resc...


A new Government provides the opportunity for long-term reform

By Simon Edwards | 15 January 2024

The SEN system and the broken children’s social care residential market are the main drivers of ...


Stormy waters ahead

By Mark Conrad | 08 January 2024

Mark Conrad talks to three major groups of councils about what the provisional finance settlement...


The next step for children's services

By Dominic Luscombe | 08 January 2024

Dominic Luscombe asks if the new Data Strategy and Children’s Social Care reform strategy are opp...


Call for MPs' help over 'inadequate' settlement

By Martin Ford | 18 December 2023

Councils are to turn to MPs to make the case to the Government following the announcement of an ‘...


Devo and Christmas ghosts of past, present and future

By Alun Hughes | 14 December 2023

Alun Hughes spins a Christmas story about devolution, with Greg Clark as the ghost of Christmas p...


No Christmas cheer from Gove the Grinch

By Heather Jameson | 13 December 2023

In a year that Michael Gove handed £1.9bn in departmental underspends back to the Treasury, and t...


Chief Digital and Information Officer

£88,679 to £103,255

Now is a great time to look at joining Reading. Apply for this job

Reading Borough Council

Executive Director, Operations

£97,601 per annum

Ashfield is thriving. We are proud of our district and our ambition is to be ‘great’ across all our services. Apply for this job

Ashfield District Council

Assistant Director Legal, Governance and Coroners (Monitoring Officer)


Rochdale Borough Council is looking for a pioneering, passionate and proud Assistant Director of Legal, Governance and Coroners (Monitoring Officer). Apply for this job

Rochdale BC


Chief Digital and Information Officer

£88,679 to £103,255

Now is a great time to look at joining Reading. Apply for this job

Reading Borough Council

Executive Director, Operations

£97,601 per annum

Ashfield is thriving. We are proud of our district and our ambition is to be ‘great’ across all our services. Apply for this job

Ashfield District Council

Assistant Director Legal, Governance and Coroners (Monitoring Officer)


Rochdale Borough Council is looking for a pioneering, passionate and proud Assistant Director of Legal, Governance and Coroners (Monitoring Officer). Apply for this job

Rochdale BC