There is no return to yesterday

By Tony Hunter | 20 May 2020

Social services have adapted rapidly to the disruption of COVID-19, says Tony Hunter. As we emer...


EXCLUSIVE: Ministers pile pressure on councils over business grants

By Dan Peters | 19 May 2020

Business secretary Alok Sharma has expressed concerns that some councils have paid out less than ...


Daring to be bold on net zero

By Robert Spencer | 13 May 2020

How can local government adapt its path to net zero as society emerges from COVID-19, asks Robert...


EXCLUSIVE: Local areas left in the dark by government

By EXCLUSIVE by Dan Peters | 13 May 2020

Central government excluded local partners from key intelligence and failed to share enough infor...


Warning over coronavirus and commercial investment cocktail

By Dan Peters | 11 May 2020

Worried finance chiefs have warned some councils that invested in commercial property have been p...


Shielding improvements on agenda for LGA and Whitehall

By Dan Peters | 11 May 2020

The Local Government Association is working with Whitehall to improve the support system for the ...


Councils call for access to data for effective contact tracing

By Laura Sharman | 11 May 2020

Crucial data must be shared with councils in order for effective contact tracing to take place, t...


Jenrick: Government will not pick up the bill for everything

By Dan Peters | 04 May 2020

Communities secretary Robert Jenrick has warned the sector that the Government will not pick up t...


Shielding data finally shared with councils

By Dan Peters | 04 May 2020

Details of the extremely clinically vulnerable people identified in NHS patient data has finally ...


The pandemic is yet another pressure on housing for councils to bear

By Dave Ayre | 04 May 2020

CIPFA’s new and extensive suite of data Housing 360 shows the strain on housing resources alone w...