A local government pension fund director has criticised ‘sudden changes’ in government policy for...
Whitehall must tackle the cultural barriers between local and central government if cities in the...
The former chairman of the Local Government Association has called on the sector’s pension funds ...
Liverpool City Council is expected to buy a stake in one of the country’s busiest airports.
The chancellor’s proposals to condense 89 local authority pension funds into six regional wealth ...
Chancellor George Osborne has confirmed devolution deals for the North East and the Tees Valley.
Councils must avoid being ‘restrained’ by the elected mayoral model if looking to unlock local gr...
The announcement that chancellor George Osborne would like to see Local Government Pension Scheme...
The partnership between the London Pensions Fund Authority and the Lancashire County Pension Fund...
Appropriate governance is the key to make Wealth Funds work writes Alexandra Noble.
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Our finance team is at the heart of rapid improvements to how we work as a council and the way our services are delivered across the borough. Apply for this job
Stroud District Council is looking for an ambitious and visionary leader to join our team. Apply for this job