Councils face tightened surveillance laws

By Thomas Bridge | 04 November 2015

Council staff could face jail if they abuse internet surveillance powers introduced as part of a ...


Housing Bill 'a threat to local decision-making'

By Jamie Hailstone | 03 November 2015

A former local government minister has described the Housing and Planning Bill as one of the most...


EU pensions change is 'sledgehammer to crack a nut'

By Sam Clayden | 26 October 2015

The chancellor’s proposals to condense 89 local authority pension funds into six regional wealth ...


WLGA calls for talks

By Sam Clayden | 21 October 2015

The Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) has called for all leaders and parties to be involv...


Sector urged to secure pay claims

By Heather Jameson | 20 October 2015

Local government risks sleepwalking into another round of equal pay claims unless it starts re-ev...


Council group makes bid for CA 'evolution'

By Dan Peters | 14 October 2015

A group of councils is calling for changes to the law as the Cities and Local Government Devoluti...


Bid for devo bill to be thrown out

By Sam Clayden | 14 October 2015

The Cities and Local Government Devolution Bill will be met with fierce opposition when it is deb...


New rules to stop 'playground politics'

By Dan Peters | 05 October 2015

New rules will stop politically motivated boycott and divestment campaigns against UK defence com...


Referendum call over council merger plan

By Dan Peters | 30 September 2015

Welsh Conservatives have pledged to give local residents a referendum on any proposed council mer...


Government rushing exit payment cap

By Abdool Kara | 30 September 2015

Chief executive of Swale BC, Abdool Kara, argues the proposed exit payment cap has all the hallma...


Head of Parking Services


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Croydon Council

Head of Highways and Traffic Services


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Croydon Council

Highways Service Manager

£50,512 - £53,701

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North Northamptonshire Council


Head of Parking Services


Premium jobThis is a key leadership role shaping the services in this arena ensuring Croydon is fit for the future. Apply for this job

Croydon Council

Head of Highways and Traffic Services


Premium jobThis is a key leadership role shaping the services in this arena ensuring Croydon is fit for the future. Apply for this job

Croydon Council

Highways Service Manager

£50,512 - £53,701

Do you want deliver highway and transport infrastructure and services to North Northamptonshire? Apply for this job

North Northamptonshire Council