The Prime Minister wants the elections to go ahead. But Dr Jonathan Carr-West says that whether a...
Local government officers are seeking legal advice to work out if councils can continue to hold m...
Tiffany Cloynes and Clare Hardy of Geldards look at the implications of the pandemic for the way ...
Local government minister Luke Hall has suggested any referendum on introducing a directly-electe...
Robert Jenrick has said he would ‘love’ councils to be able to continue holding remote meetings b...
In the midst of the pandemic, postponing the local elections until the autumn/winter ‘would be th...
It feels as if local government is on everyone’s ‘naughty list’ at present, says Colin Copus. Her...
When local government puts civil society at the heart of what they do, it brings democracy closer...
A single council for Somerset is the best option for the county, argues Cllr David Fothergill. 'O...
‘You would be mad not to feel some trepidation’ as we look ahead to 2021, says Dr Jonathan Carr-W...
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We are seeking an experienced Assistant Voids Repairs Manager to support the Voids Repairs team Apply for this job
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